Friday, January 4, 2013

Alone in Crowd.....!!!!

                Many times in life i feel alone,even though there are lots of people surrounded with me,but they all are busy in there own work.

              I believe that we all come alone in this world and we leave alone from the world.but in between
this journey we are attached with many peoples, like your parents, your friends ,colleague...and everyone    whom you meet in this journey has some impact on your life.everyone has there own identity, we learn some good things from them,some people really change your life, they really change your vision to look forward towards life in positive way....

but still feeling alone around everyone......

             Many times i felt in some kind of situation where i get more frustrated...sometimes there are some  situation where nothing goes right in your way.that is the time where I feel that I need shoulder to express
 my emotion,and when i look around i found no one to hold my hand.....,cos everyone is busy on there own work. that is the most worst situation when i feel really alone...

             But whenever i back to normal i realize the meaning of word i tried to make my mind that i myself alone have to face every situation.cos no one will be there with you for a long way of journey,because everyone has his own path to follow.

             So make mind to stay alone and live alone. but one thing i can do for sure, is to give whatever best i can give to others to make them stay happy ,and enjoy your life.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Welcome to New year 2013 with some big Target..

New Year New Begning..........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its 2013, the New Year,wish you the Happy New Year to all.......

Hussshhhh... Finally we r enterd in 2013, since there was lots of talks and roumers about the "World will end at 2012", but at Last we r into 2013 .a new begning.....
i dont think, "evadhya lavkar he jag asa sampel..."
even though this world is running on some bad track,still there is some chance to improve. "hya saglyacha jeva atirek hoil" ,tht will be the day where world will end...
and i belive the human being it self will be responsible for tht

assso... back to point
still there r lots of thngs to do, lots of things to achieve .there r lots of target in life.....

there will be lots of responsibilty on shoulders in 2013, just wating for one good opportunity .hoping to get everythng back on track till the end of 2013.
fingurs corssed......just wann feel confidant at the end of 2013.... so best of luck for new year and new life.....

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Expectation good or Bad?????

Expectation the word which can make you happy in one second and the same word can make you more frustrate,if its not fulfill.............. so does it mean we need to stop expecting??????
My best opinion and experience from last few days ,is "Stop Expecting" cos you will never know when u will be hurt if it dosen't fulfill.

Personal Expectation
It better to have dream in your mind that push you towards achievement of your goal, but over expectation can lead you to disappointment.
It is always good to have expectation on our self.cos when you expect to be something,it means you are running towards your goal to achieve something. But always understand your strength and decide how much you can you are confident on you.

The best thing in life is to keep doing your work and you will get whatever you deserve.

Expecting from others is real bad
The most bad thing in life is expecting something from others, it makes you more frustrated, even expecting from your parents and your closer ones may leads you to big disappointment.

really need to think about it.................

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Situation teaches u lot many things...

Life never stop for any1, 1 thing i learn is, try to be li'l selfish in this world , cos no1 have time for others, is life may sabhi bhag rahe hai, if u want to be in the race, just keep on running, but sometimes when we start running ,we forgot about the person with we have started this race, we got to no, only when we fell down and he/she come to pick pick you up.
Only that situation will make u realise about that person.......
till that time we r bussy in running rather winning this race.